Bob Berdella Serial Killer – Part 3

In Part 3, Troy Cole relates how his detectives encountered problems trying to identify the young men in the photos found in the home of Bob Berdella. Most of these men had lived lives estranged from long time friends and even family.

By the end of the first week into this investigation, a whole special squad was formed with detectives from Homicide, Sex Crimes and Vice. They set up a command post inside the show-up room. The word got around that this was a very high profile case with lurid details. Cops, having a morbid curiosity like most folks, wanted to learn all the gory details. Troy soon found that from high level commanders down to the newest rookie all had a desire to see the torture photographs the detectives found. Troy consulted with his commander, Lt. Col. Bob Jenkins, and they decided to move the command post to a secret location to keep away the distraction of the curious.  They found a large room at a little used police building. Once some phone lines were installed, the entire squad moved.


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